- spawning
- нерест; нерестующий- intermittent spawning
spawning by stages — порционный нерест
- multiple spawning
- repeated spawning
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
spawning by stages — порционный нерест
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Spawning — Spawn Spawn, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spawned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spawning}.] [OE. spanen, OF. espandre, properly, to shed, spread, L. expandere to spread out. See {Expand}.] 1. To produce or deposit (eggs), as fishes or frogs do. [1913 Webster] 2. To … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spawning — noun Spawning is used before these nouns: ↑ground … Collocations dictionary
spawning — nerštas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žuvų dauginimosi būdas – subrendusių ikrų ir pienių leidimas į vandenį ir apvaisinimas. atitikmenys: angl. spawning vok. Laichen, n rus. икрометание, n; нерест, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
spawning — I. noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English spawnynge, from gerund of spawnen to spawn 1. : the process of emitting spawn 2. : the collecting of spawn from ripe fishes II … Useful english dictionary
Spawning networks — are a new class of programmable networks that automate the life cycle process for the creation, deployment, and management of network architecture. These networks are capable of spawning distinct child virtual networks with their own transport,… … Wikipedia
spawning ground — spawning ground, 1. the place where fish spawn or to which they return to spawn. 2. Figurative. a place in which something commonly originates; breeding place: »Boxing s spawning grounds, the neighborhood clubs, are…unable to compete with the… … Useful english dictionary
Spawning triggers — are environmental cues that cause fish to breed. Most commonly they involve sudden changes in the environment, such as changes in temperature, salinity, and the abundance of food. Catfish of the genus Corydoras , for example, spawn immediately… … Wikipedia
spawning dress — spawning colour … Dictionary of ichthyology
spawning livery — spawning colour … Dictionary of ichthyology
spawning screen — spawning screen, a frame or screen on which the spawn of fish is collected … Useful english dictionary
Spawning (computer gaming) — In computer and video games, spawning is the in game creation of an entity, such as a player character, a non player character (NPC), or an item. Respawning is the recreation of an entity after its death, destruction or removal, or at the end of… … Wikipedia